Lab News

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Favour Nwagugo concluded his summer research in the Plavicki Lab by presenting his work at Brown's Research Symposium.
Favour Nwagugo gave an oral presentation on his research " Effects of Dioxin on Nervous System Development".
Michelle Kossack was awarded an NIEHS F32 grant which will be funding her from from 8/2021 to 7/2022.
Michelle Kossack wins 3rd place in Art of Science Photomicrography Contest!

Michelle Kossack won 3rd place in Aquaneering Photo Contest for her zebrafish ovary microscopy.
Michelle Kossack hosted the Scientific Symposium "From Conception to Cane: Unique Life-Stage Considerations for Reproductive Toxicity" at the 2021 Society of Toxicology Conference.
Michelle Kossack won the Superfund Research Program photo contest with her confocal microscopy submission of the zebrafish ovary.
Michelle Kossack, post-doctoral fellow in the Plavicki Lab, was selected as a representative for the Society of Toxicology (SOT) post-doctoral community.

April Rodd shares her experience as a Post-Doc during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jessica Plavicki was named the Manning Assistant Professor in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine for 2020!
"Through the Outstanding New Environmental Scientist Award (ONES) program, NIEHS cultivates America’s future environmental health research leaders at the start of their careers to support innovative environmental health research."
Nathan Martin, a 5th year graduate student in the the Plavicki lab,  wote an editorial piece on the importance of excitatory and inhibitory (E/I) balance in brain development and how toxicant induced disruptions in E/I balance can contribute to neuropathologies.
Favour Nwagugo presented his summer research "Effects of Environmental Contamination on Neuronal Development and Function."
Layra Cintrón-Rivera passes her qualifying exam
Layra Cintrón-Rivera passed her qualifying exam on May 8, 2020 and is now a PhD candidate!
Layra Cintrón-Rivera, Plavicki lab member, was awarded an NSF graduate student research fellowship.
Shannon Martin passes her qualifying exam
Shannon Martin passed her qualifying exam on February 11, 2020 and is now a PhD candidate!
Nathan Martin Wins Vector labs photo contest
Nathan Martin is 1 of 10 winners in the United States for the  2019 Vector Labs Photo Contest . The winner receives a canvas print of their winning submission.
Nathan Martin won the September 2019 and subsequent 2019 Annual Grand Prize for this image. The winning image is now featured on the cover of the Journal of Neuroscience Research.
In the 2019 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition Nathan Martin's microscopy received the Image of Distinction award. This international photo contest draws thousands of submissions a year.
Shannon Martin presents part of her thesis work titled “Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) Exposure Exacerbates CNS Responses to Brain Injury in Developing Zebrafish” (November 2019) NIEHS Superfund Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Plavicki Lab assists in SACNAS recruitment initiatives!
Layra Cintrón-Rivera attends SACNAS to recruit new students for Brown's graduate school with the goal of fostering and achieving true diversity at Brown.
Plavicki lab members receive Frederic Poole Gorham Pre-doctoral Fellow award for two consecutive years, Shannon Martin (2018) and Layra Cintrón-Rivera (2019)!
Layra Cintrón-Rivera presents her thesis work at the Dr. Samuel M. Nabrit Conference for Early Career Scholars, a conference aiming to showcase the research achievements scientists from historically underrepresented groups.
Bridging model organisms and continents Jessica Plavicki travels to Turkey to be a part of the 4th Suna Kirac Workshop in Istanbul.
The "Martin twins" showed off their work at #2019SOT! We are committed to enaging in science communication and sharing what we know about neurotoxicology, BBB development, and how amazing zebrafish are as a model.
Shannon Martin and April Rodd present their work at the 2019 Northeast SRP Annual Meeting in Boston, MA on (April 2019)
Catherine Seitz, undergraduate student extraordinaire, received an Undergraduate Teaching and Research Award to work in the lab for the summer of 2018. Here she is presenting her poster examining sox9b function in great vessel development.
Nathan Martin, Shannon Martin, April Rodd, and Michelle Kossack teach Summer at Brown courses.
The Plavicki lab is committed to science communication. As a result, many members of the lab worked together to teach precollege and high school students at Brown University.
Nathan Martin passes his qualifying exam
Nathan Martin passed his qualifying exam on August 7, 2018 and is now a PhD candidate!
"University scientists see effects of environmental contamination in zebrafish."
"Newly launched lab at Brown investigating impact of environmental contaminants"
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